
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Lake Cookout

Bev wanted to invite a few folks over for a little cookout at the lake and she had thawed some chicken breasts and rib eye steaks and wanted to stir fry some veggies.  So the menu became:

Grilled chicken breasts – brined for 4 hours and seasoned with Head Country
Grilled steak seasoned with Montreal Steak Seasoning
Parsley new potatoes – dug that morning
Stir fry veggies seasoned with Creole Seasoning – all but broccoli from our garden
The Neely's Rum Raisin Bread Pudding

Here’s the cook area ready to go.

This is my plate and it was all very good.
Everything was good but not great.  The veggies were the favorite of some, the meat some, etc.  I liked the pudding but thought it needed some whipped cream - which we were out of.

We're in full blown blogger party prep around here this week - it's always good to host a big shindig to get me to do some of the things I've been putting off.

All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


  1. Well, it looks good from here!!! I can't believe I have to miss the get together! I am so bummed.

  2. Again so envious of those "just dug this morning" potatoes. Great looking meal Larry and Bev.

  3. It all looks mighty good to me! I am looking forward to hearing about your blog get-together. I know, when I am expecting company, a lot of things get done, that have needed done for a while!

  4. It all looks great! I wish I could grow veggies - I can barely grow herbs. I have a brown thumb!

  5. The menu sounds fantastic, sorry it wasn't great though.. it sure does look good!

  6. Wow! I wish Jim and I could come to a get together! It all looks amazing Larry.

  7. Larry, Nothing like dinner on the party dock! The food prep area looks ready to go...expanded... Looking forward to the Party! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  8. A practice run before the big shindig is always good. Don't work too hard this week!

  9. Oh my gosh, you even grow your own new potatoes? When the big party is over and if you have a minute, can you tell me how to grow them? I still purchase them from the farmers' market and/or produce dept. at a fresh foods retailer. Our first try at corn is turning out as I predicted: horrible. Wish we could come to the party.....y'all have a great time now, y'hear?

  10. Yeah, but your good probably beats most others' "great" 9 times out of 10.


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