
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bojangles Leftovers For Breakfast

I eat very little fast food, except when on the road, but there are a few places I actually make an effort to go to and Bojangles is one of them. I believe I’ve had chicken and biscuit from every fast chicken place in America and I really enjoy both at Bojangles – as does Bev. So, when we went to Walmart in Lenoir City the other day, about lunch time, a stop at the local Bojangles, located just across the road, was in order and as usual I enjoyed my lunch.

Since we had both chicken and biscuits leftover, I decided to see what I could make for breakfast. As with most fried chicken, it’s all about the coating on the skin and it just had to be used in this dish, but it was no longer nice and crispy. So the first order of business was to remove it, chop, and sauté in a little oil to re-crisp – I tossed in some chopped green onion as well.

While this was cooking, I removed the meat from the breast and diced it, and beat up a couple of eggs with a little half and half and a few shots of Cafe Noche Chipotle Hot Sauce (from our trip to New Hampshire). The trip to Walmart had been to get these eggs, which we believe are the best around.

When the skin was crisp, I added the chicken to the pan.

And when it was warm, I added the eggs and scrambled.  I had split the biscuit, added a little smoked Gouda, and warmed in the toaster oven until almost melted.

I topped the biscuit with the eggs, a little more green onion tops, and got this.

Most of my breakfast creations are pretty good, some are very good, but this was OMG good, with the chicken skin and coating, and the smoked cheese being critical elements – so don’t try and make this healthy.  It's hard to believe I went this long without a breakfast post - I appologize to my breakfast readers.

From a nature standpoint, when we returned from New England, we believed the Cicada's peak had passed and boy were we wrong.  This last week, they were so noisy during the day, we had to raise our voices to talk outside and they often made us think a nearby home alarm was sounding.  They are everywhere and thick in the trees - both the leaves and the trunks.

I'd mentioned before that they were considered food in some cultures around the world and discovered the same is true at Almost heaven South.  As he accompanied me to get the papers, our old man dog, Cody, pretty well cleaned the driveway of them and he didn't care if they were dead or crawling around, he just gobbled them up.  They don't seem to be hurting him so perhaps they are just another source of protein.

All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.

One year ago: Breakfast From The Frig



  1. Holy bleep that's a lot of cicadas! I haven't heard or seen the first on in Knoxville. But we are edge of the map for the distribution of this brood.

    Man, I love Bojangles. I might have to drive out to Lovell Rd today.

  2. Dang, you can make a fabulous breakfast out of anything! The cicadas aren't so bad here, or maybe my three kitties have already cleared the yard.

  3. Why am I laughing about your cicada situation???? You had to raise your voices to talk??? The dog eating them off the driveway??? I'm begging you not to have them as a future breakfast post...not even with gravy. I think your current breakfast combination sounds so so so wonderful. Our only options are Kentucky Fried Chicken and Popeyes... and we don't have any cicadas either.

  4. I always say thank goodness for Google, it was able to show me up close a Cicada and tell me what it is. You could write a full post on these things, wow, they must fly into you and get stuck in your hair and all. I don't think I would like that much, right now the June bugs are just starting in Prince Edward Island and I'm feeling like wearing my bicycle helmet in the evening when we sit out and talk with company.

    Oh by the way, I almost forgot about the lovely breakfast your prepared after reading about these delicacies gallop off the driveway as though they were tasty. Please don't find a way to cook them, not even.

  5. It sounds OMG good, Larry. You have a way with leftovers. I hope you and Bev have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...MAry

  6. Your a cook after my own heart. Yum! thanks for sharing the details.

  7. Hi Larry, Your breakfast concoction sounds great. I've never been to a Bojangles --and don't think there are any near us. We do like the chicken biscuits from Chick-Fil-A. BUT--of so many calories.... GADS!!!

    We don't have the Cicadas here... Hope they don't get here...

    Have a fabulous Memorial Day Weekend.

  8. Larry, Minus the chopped onions, (substitute onion flakes), that is one great sounding breakfast! I've done chicken omelets before but I've never used the skin. I know that it's great on a chicken why not with eggs! Cody will eat anything. As old as he is, he is totally food, or in this case Cicada, focused! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave & Laurie

  9. I've already shared my big cicada adventures with you, but I have to tell you that is a MESS of them on that tree. (and they often make dogs sick . . . )

    That breakfast looks delicious. I never eat fast food, with the exception of KFC about once a year. I've never seen a Bojangles, and it's probably just as well. If I ever do, however, I'll splurge.

  10. Wow, is that common? We have them around here too, but nothing like that!! That pretty much freaks me out.

    We have no Bojangles but Popeyes Fried Chicken is king down here. And now, you have me craving some fried chicken Larry. I will not be able to get it out of my mind until I have some!!

  11. I haven't eaten at Bojangles in ages, but their chicken biscuit is a favorite of a coworker of mine. It seems to me you used to take us to Bojangles for breakfast from time to time when we were kids. Ah...those were the days...


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