
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blogger Party - Final Reminder

So far, we have 17 adults and 4 kids signed up for our Blogger Party coming from Tennessee, North Carolina, Kansas, Florida, and New Jersey - sounds like a great group to me.  Double click for a blow up.
Remember - Jun 1 is the deadline as we have lots of plans to make and things to do.

All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Almost Heaven South.


  1. Sorry we will miss AGAIN. We're leaving this month for a 3 week trip to the Grand Canyon and area. I'm sure you all will have a wonderful time--with TONS of great food.

  2. Sorry I am going to miss all of that wonderful food and friendship. Nothing better than a group of foodie bloggers getting together. Thanks for the tip Larry, it worked!

  3. I wish I could have made the trip... maybe next time :)

  4. Larry, We're looking forward to this summer fun party! Have a great day... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  5. I so wish I could come!!!!!


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