
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fried Pasta - It's What's For Breakfast

Don’t ask me why, but for some reason I’ve been wanting to fry leftover pasta – I guess I’d seen it somewhere. Whatever the reason, we finally had some leftover spaghetti and I decided now was the time. As we usually do with leftover pasta, we mixed in some olive oil while it was still warm to reduce it’s sticking together.

For this dish, I mixed some pepper jack cheese into the pasta to help hold it together, then mashed it together as much as I could. I fried it in olive oil with a pat of butter, partially covered until turning. After adding the pasta to the pan, I realized it was more than I wanted, so I split it in half.

After flipping, I added some grated parmesan, to the pasta and put the eggs on to cook. Here’s the plated dish (forgot the greenery again).

While I like hash browns a little better, it was tasty and the outside was similar to the crunch of crispy hash browns - I will do this again with some changes. First, I’ll decide in advance how much I plan to fry and while still a little warm, I’ll mix in some herbs and the cheese, but no oil (I want it to stick together). Then I’ll mash it tightly into the right sized container and store in the fridge. When ready to use, it should pop out as a near solid disk, ready to fry, which I’d do the same way. I might think of a sauce to use next time as well.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.



  1. I must say it looks intriguing! I will save some pasta next time and try it. Another good idea from the Big Dude!!!

  2. My local Italian deli makes this and they call it bird's nest pasta. Frankly, I'll take any excuse to have pasta for breakfast and this sounds delicious!

  3. I've seen fried ravioli but never thought to do this. Why not! For some reason, this made me instantly crave dippy eggs, but no toast in the house. Anyway, I'm making cinnamon rolls this a.m.

  4. Bittman does something similar to this. Of course, yours is topped with a fried egg!

  5. This looks similar to a pasta frittata we make. Never thought to top it with a fried egg. Very clever Larry.

  6. Ive never heard of frying pasta... That's interesting, Larry... Hope you enjoyed it...

    Have a great day.

  7. Never heard of this trick. I like it, it makes a great base for a lot of dishes like the egg or a sauce on top.

  8. I used to make fried noodles for my kids - we called them bird's nests. I used Asian noodles and didn't add anything but salt and pepper and OMG were they addictive. (and so NOT heart healthy). These look delicious and made me crave those naughty treats again. I'm going to go eat a salad. :)

  9. Larry, Innovation is your middle name! I have fried leftover Mac & Cheese and dropped an egg on that, but I never thought of Spaghetti in oil with cheese... I'll have to give it a try! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  10. Using leftover pasta like that is a very Italian thing to do!! Frying it into a "pie" like dish is so delicious...and you just put it over the top with the fried egg!!!

  11. this looks awesome love this idea of the pasta and egg!


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