
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Beef And Broccoli Stir Fry

Bev advised we had some broccoli we needed to eat and I had just saved a recipe for Beef And Broccoli from Cathy over at Wives With Knives. We had some flat iron steak in the freezer and all of the other ingredients on hand, so we were ready. We followed Cathy’s recipe as written except Bev decided she wanted the steak grilled. So after removing from the marinade, I grilled it to an internal temp of 110* and put on a cutting board to rest while I heated the wok. After about 5 minutes, I sliced it thinly cross grain.

Bev had blanched the broccoli earlier in the day and decided she wanted to add some water chestnuts to the mix. Rather than beginning with the meat in the wok (since it was grilled), I started with the onions and ginger, then the sauce (to which I added 2 tbsp of the marinade), and finally the meat, broccoli, and water chestnuts. I stir fried this mixture for a couple of minutes and we served over rice.

I rarely want to cook Chinese because I don’t have the recipes to make a really good dish, but I have one now – thanks Cathy, it was delicious.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.



  1. Broccoli and ginger are always a hit together, your addition of thinly sliced, tender beef and the other ingredients makes for just the style of food I love on rice.

    It looks so pretty on the plate.

  2. I'm so happy to read that you and Bev enjoyed this recipe. Adding water chestnuts is a great idea and I've made a note on my recipe to do that next time.

    Thanks so much for the link to my blog. Have a great weekend.

  3. I love beef with broccoli and haven't made it in far too long! That beef looks like it's cooked to perfection!

  4. I saw that recipe over at Cathy's and it's in my "try soon" file. I always love beef and brocolli dishes in oriental restaurants.

  5. Your beef and broccoli looks delicious; I saved Cathy's recipe too, and I really like your addition of water chestnuts.
    Have a great week end!

  6. Larry, The beef alone was enough to get me going! The beef and broccoli over rice is one of my favorite Chinese dishes...with some hot peppers to kick it up a little. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  7. It looks like 110 was the perfect pull time for the re-cook. Was that a lucky guess or do you have a rule of thumb for that?

    It's so easy to screw that part up, for me.

  8. Grilled stir fry.. I like that :)

  9. I KNEW that recipe must be tasty! Your post just confirmed it.


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