
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Turkey Pot Pie From The Leftovers

Finally, the last of the thanksgiving meal posts – but my favorite, and a pretty common one across America.

For me, the one must-have meal from Thanksgiving leftovers is turkey potpie and Bev usually just wings it, but this year I used the recipe proportions provided by Dennis over at More Than A Mount Full. This way, if it turns out just right, I’ll know what I did - I made a double recipe. I kept it pretty simple by starting with the diced carrots cooking in 6 cups of the fresh poultry stock, then added the potatoes, celery, and onions. When they were all crisp tender, I thickened the liquid with a roux and added the chopped leftover turkey, gravy (it’s just thickened broth after all), and frozen peas, cooking until everything was boiling - ready to dump.

Then I adjusted the seasons and poured it into a greased casserole dish. Bev topped it with some Pioneer Baking Mix biscuits (I don’t bake – even with a mix, I will put frozen biscuits on a pan and put them in the oven though) and we baked at 450* until they were browned (my family always used drop biscuits).

One key is to have plenty of liquid for the biscuits to soak up some while cooking and to put over them when serving – more so than if topping with a pie crust. I didn’t add any additional spices except S&P – relying on the meat and gravy to provide everything else.

I normally flip the biscuits when I plate them, but Bev convinced me this would be a prettier picture - right as usual.

I had the right amount of veggies and liquid, but it needed to be just a little thicker (I should have used as much butter and flour as Dennis did in his and started with the butter and veggies), but I wasn't sure what impact the leftover gravy would have, otherwise it was outstanding - my first ever pot pie.  And while we may now have more leftovers than when we started, I'm looking forward to lunching on them the next few days.  Also, we all thought the biscuits turned out to be especially good, for a mix.

Well I don't know about you, but I'm about turkied out (except for the pot pie), so it's steak and a salad tomorrow for dinner.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.



  1. With two TG Meals last week, I was turkied out by Tues. Sounds like you bake about as often as I do. Our friends had us over about a month ago for Chicken Pot Pie. It was sooooooo good. I've never made a pot pie but want to make it a staple in my recipe database. Something about it is pure home cooking comfort food. Your version looks delicious Larry.

  2. Pot pies are the best, perfect comfort food. Yours looks delicious. Turkey is gone so I will have to try this with chicken.

  3. Your pot pie is a thing of beauty, Larry. Thanks for sharing the recipe with us. I hope you and Bev have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  4. Pretty neat, Larry.... Looks delicious... I love biscuits anyway I can get them... YUM!!!!

    Hope you have your fireplace ready for a winter blast these next several days... Baby--It's gonna be COLD outside.

  5. Ooo I love a good pot pie. It is definitely hard to get all the proportions right. Biscuit topping is my favorite!

  6. What a great way to make pot pie! It's almost like turkey cobbler, isn't it? Love it!

  7. I keep wanting to make individual pot pie servings but never get around to it, but this post makes me want to try. Because one of these biscuits would be perfect for topping an individual serving.

    Now I just have to get 6 more large ramekin dishes, lol.

    Looks great Larry!


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