
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Winterizing At Almost Heaven South

Friday night was predicted to be our first real freeze of the season, so it was time to make some last minute preparations – drain the dock water system, put the jet ski in the garage, disconnect the outside hoses from the faucets and pick any remaining garden goodies. We got a 6 gallon bucket about full of sweet peppers, a good sized bag of jalapenos, and some small buckets of small tomatoes – green, ripe and in between. We usually have fresh tomatoes until around Thanksgiving.

We’ll put the ripe and partially ripe maters out to eat on and cook with and the green ones go into the fridge. The peppers will be mostly sliced and frozen and the japs will be pickled.

Guess, I’ll need to get the fireplace ready for winter, but I don’t usually build fires until it’s below the mid 40’s for the daily high.

It was also BBQ prep day so I made up some rubs, got some of the meat ready, split some hickory for the Klose, chunked some for the Stumps and got the smokers ready. All-in-all a pretty busy day. And while taking a break in late afternoon, it was announced on TV that Mt. Leconte, in the Smokies, had 7” of new snow.

I believe it's time for me to find a new header picture with the dock season ending.

Have a good one and thanks for stopping by. I’ll be back tomorrow with a BBQ day update.



  1. What a bounty Larry. I can't believe it's time for a frost.

    I really enjoy the dock picture and would hate to see it go, even if it is wintertime.

  2. How did the Klose do in the cold, wet weather. I know the Stumps doesn't mind the weather much but my offset is affected a good bit. But my offset isn't a Klose either, ha ha.

  3. Why do I find myself wishing I was reading your post titled Springerizing at Almost Heaven?

  4. Wow! You had quite a crop! Everything looks fantastic!

  5. I envy your bounty Larry. We are winterizing too in anticipation of our trip South.

  6. HaHa . . . doesn't that look familiar! I had to do that a couple of weeks ago up here - I still have a good amount of tomatoes left. You should try a batch of those oven dried tomatoes if you have enough Roma's. They're really tasty.

  7. We've been winterizing here also, Larry... That's my blog tomorrow.

    Hope you got the fireplace going. Ours has been going non-stop most of the weekend.

  8. Smoke those red japs Larry. Great chipoltes that way. I mowed my lawn for the last time today. helps the remaining leaves skip across and into the pasture. cleaned the leaves and burned them and tucked my yard equipment nicely away in the barn. I am already craving those fresh tomatoes again.

  9. We've had a few chilly days and nights down into the high 30s down south this weekend but there's no real winterizing work to do. It'll probably be back up in the 80s next week. It's kinda cool to have a seasonal ritual though.


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