
Friday, November 12, 2010

Margherita Pizza – Italian Flavor

The last time we had these, Bev made the dough and we cooked them on the grill, but this time we decided to go the easier way and use pre-made crust. It’s called “Thin Pizza Crust – Napoli Style” and since it’s in the same packaging as the naan bread we usually buy, I assumed it was just a larger version of naan. But after studying the label, it actually has different ingredients, but I suspect the taste to be very similar.

Since the weather is cool and we don’t mind adding heat to the house, we cooked it in the oven as the grill would likely have overcooked the bread bottom. For this one, it was built as follows - brushed on olive oil, finely diced garlic, shredded mozzerella and asiago cheeses, sliced tomatoes, thin red onion, sliced olives and sliced fresh basil. After baking in a 400* oven until the cheese melted, it was removed and topped with grated parmesan. It’s not a great shot on the foil, but it was right tasty.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.



  1. That looks soooo good - I like simple pizzas with olives. And your photography is great!

    I hope you both have a wonderful Friday and weekend, Michelle and my daft, darling Zebby Cat

  2. I LOVE pizza! This looks great. I'd eat it for breakfast right now. YUM!

  3. Since I'm doughaphobic I have to find that pizza crust. This looks great Larry.

  4. Looks beautiful to me! My husband gets pretty excited about pizza night and I know he'd love your combo.

  5. Looks delicious, Larry... EXCEPT --I would want a thick, gooey crust instead of a thin one... ha

  6. We don't need great shots. When you're hungry, you want your food hot! Have a great weekend, Larry.

  7. You STILL have tomatoes???

    We never got many this year. Pizza looks great, Larry. This is one of my favorite pizzas in the summer when I have fresh tomatoes and basil.


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