
Monday, November 22, 2010

Chicken Pepperoni Ala Dennis

Many years ago, we watched the movie “Seems Like Old Times”, starring Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn and one of the plotlines involved Goldie, or her housekeeper, making her famous Pepperoni Chicken for her husbands boss. Bev thought the name of the dish sounded delicious and we searched high and low for a recipe, to no avail. Bev finally invented a dish using the ingredients and it was pretty good, but we were both really excited when Dennis over at More Than A Mountful posted a recipe for it. We decided we had to try it – whether or not it was Goldie’s version. I won’t repost his recipe, so you can go to his site and read the story that goes with it, but here are a few preparation photos.

I used two breasts that weighed a little more than the pound called for in the recipe and sliced them cross-grain about 1/2" wide.  I salted and peppered the chicken directly as I never seem to get enough when I use seasoned flour.  I then coated them with flour in a plastic bag - evenly coated,  no flour all over the kitchen, toss in the trash when done.  I think I started with too much oil.

Here's everything else ready to go - I like to have the ingredients that go in at the same time in the same bowl.  If you know us, you'll be flabbergasted when I say I had to deglaze the pan with chicken broth as we had no white wine.

Peppers and mushrooms added - obviously we had yellow peppers left from the garden.

Next batch of ingredients added.

Pepperoni added and fire turned off.

Almost ready to dip up - I later added 1 1/2 tbsp of cornstarch to get the sauce to a thickness we liked.

 My plate with a little more shredded cheese.

We didn't have any sides so we could eat all we wanted of the dish and I went back for seconds. In addition to the thickener, the other thing I would to different is cut the pepperoni into smaller pieces to get the flavor spread around more.

We all thought it had a unique flavor with the following conclusions - Pat thought it was okay (not unusual for her), Bev liked it and I thought it was very good and I'll plan to make it again sometime - thanks Dennis for posting the recipe.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.



  1. What a great looking dish. I'm going to head over to his blog to take a look at the recipe. I love chicken skillet dishes like this, I've got several, they're all delicious. Seems the flavors really meld so nicely when cooked like this. Looks like I'm going to be adding one more to the database.

  2. Your pictures make the chicken most appealing, Larry. I also love the pizza sandwich that appears below. Your kitchen never sleeps :-). I hope you have had a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  3. I love the movie Seems Like Old Times! My mom used to watch it and I loved watching it with her as a kid...I haven't seen that moving in ages!!
    I saw this recipe on Chef Dennis' site too.. it looks wonderful. Now, seeing it here, it must be a sign that I need to make it!

  4. Thanks for showing another good chicken recipe! I read the other post as well and love the delicious ingredients - though I may modify with turkey pepperoni. Will let you know if that works out.

  5. Pepperoni isn't a favorite of mine but I can imagine that it adds a wonderful flavor to this dish. You've always got something wonderful on the stove, Larry. I could go for one of your great breakfasts right now.

  6. The Pepperoni Chicken sounds great.... I have never thought of putting those two things together ---but that dish sounds wonderful. Thanks.

  7. Ohhhh yeahhhh.... you know how to float my boat. This looks fabulous.

  8. It's funny when a (possibly) fictitious dish in a book/movie like Pepperoni Chicken becomes a dish in real life.

    It's kind of like there are a lot of recipes for Green Eggs and Ham.

    It all looks good to me, Larry.


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