
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Beef Stew Leftovers

First there was the cold roast beef sandwich, then the hot roast beef sandwich, and now comes the Hot Roast Beef Stew Sandwich – open faced and regular. I dipped out a couple of spoonfuls of the leftover beef stew, cut everything into smaller pieces, and reheated it in the microwave. For the regular, I sliced off a couple pieces of homemade bread and topped each with some of the stew.

For the open faced version, I split a couple of leftover rolls, toasted, and topped with the stew.

They were as good as the original and I loved them - two different meals of course.

My mom would always get 3 meals from a pot roast.  First was the roast baked with veggies then gravy made with part of the pan drippings.  The next one was hot roast beef sandwiches with mashed potatoes.  The third she called hash, but it was the chopped up remaining meat, any remaining broth and veggies and additional potatoes and onions with water added to make a broth.  We just ladled the concoction over sliced bread.  If the roast was large enough, there might also be a cold roast beef sandwich for lunch.  Folks who were depressional era kids knew how to stretch the expensive ingredients.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.



  1. I'd love to have a plate of that right now and it's only 6:44 a.m. I just made a pot roast, so these flavors are very fresh in my mind.

  2. OMG that looks so good! I love how you can get so many dishes out of one creation. YUM!!

  3. I always think the best part of stew is the leftovers and you have definitely made them even better than I could have imagined!

  4. Yes--we do know about stretching food ---and having lots of left-overs... it is called 'being creative'..... All of us born in the '40's know about stretching food....

    Your Beef Stew leftovers sound delcious.

  5. My dearly beloved would love this. Myself, I'm not a fan of soggy bread, so I'd just have more stew!

  6. Just the comfort food for late Fall, and a cool night here in late Spring. The stew sure looks delicious.


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