
Friday, October 1, 2010

A Train Lovers Bonanza

In two earlier posts about our trip to my aunt's camp in West Virginia, I’d mentioned the trains passing the camp and those seen during our day trip into the mountains, but rather expound then, I decided to do a separate post just about them. I’d shown the track location relative to my aunt’s camp earlier (see Sept 23)and here are a few shots of passing trains, which are nearly all coal trains (around 100 cars), running between the CSX main line in Grafton and the mines around 20 miles north of here. From Grafton, my cousin (who is retired from this mine), believes most of the coal rails over to Baltimore for shipping abroad. At one time Grafton was a major B & O steam era rail center and claims to be the founder of the Mothers Day celebration. This guy is pulling a load of empties to the mine – I was standing at the back corner of the camp so you can see it’s pretty close – a derailment would be lights out for us.  I forgot to use the cameras backlight feature, so you may have to move your screen a little.

I was standing in the side yard to shoot this guy towing a hundred car train of loaded hoppers.

During our day trip into the eastern mountains, we were traveling through the small town of Bellington, WV, and I glanced over and saw this old F series (I think) early diesel engine – it obviously needs a little work.

I had to turn around and go back for a picture and when I did we found a yard full of what turned out to be the terminal for the West Virginia Central RR or check out the railroads official site.

This A-B-A unit displaying Western Maryland paint was hooked to a string of passenger cars and was moving about as though being readied for an excursion train (A units have a cab area and can be driven, while the B units are just the power plant with no cab).

A little more modern B & O, GP series (I think), coupled up to a WM F series.

A couple of passenger cars and a caboose (which are no longer in use on trains).

And this little feller was our favorite – I assume he was some type of yard engine used for moving just a car or two.

Most were from the Baltimore & Ohio (B & 0) and Western Maryland (WM), which were two of the many lines incorporated thru merger and purchase into the current CSX system. As a lifelong Railfan, my only regret as I didn’t have half a day to wander around and look closer – maybe the next visit.

Sorry Dave, but we didn’t find any old stations.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.



  1. I love trains, Larry.. Thanks for sharing these. My Dad worked for the railroad (southwest VA) --so I would go to the 'yard' with him and get to ride with the engineers at times... You can just imagine how much a little girl loved that....

  2. Betsy - Not only can I imagine, I got to experience it as well. My best friends dad was an engineer with the B&O and we got to ride around the roundhouse/yard area on one of the early diesel engines in the mid 50's. We used to love hanging around the area and watch the turntable move the big steam engines in and out of the roundhouse.

  3. These are some great pictures, Larry! My favorite part about trainwatching is the moving art show of graffiti. I didn't see any on these - why is that?

  4. Vickie - I'd say in the mountains of WV, spray painting on these classic trains would get you shot - not yelled at, not chased off, not arrested, not prosecuted - shot.:-)

  5. There's something about trains taht makes me think about "the good old days", whenever they were. It's rare to see many of them nowadays, at least in my neck of the woods. Thanks for sharing this with us!

  6. I like your cute little train, too. I enjoy looking at trains, and thinking of transportation in days gone by...

  7. Great post, Larry! I really enjoyed reading this and so did Bill. He says that last little guy is used to pull cars in and out of the shop. Great photos and thanks for sharing! I'll be sending you an email shortly.

  8. Great post Larry. Our coal trains here in Colorado are all smattered with grafitti. Some pretty darn impressive grafitti at that.

  9. Forgot to mention, I'm finally finding time to roast up some pimentos for cheese spread this a.m. Bob will have a nice little treat when he gets home this afternoon. :-)

  10. We are a railroad family. My father worked for Seaboard Coastline (aka what is now CSX) for his entire career. Trains hold a special place to me. I love the sound of a distant whistling and the roar of a freight train rushing by.

    Love these shots you found, Larry. You don't see engines like this anymore.

  11. Larry, Thanks for the train photos! Some oldies there for sure... I picked up quite a few train photos plus a number of depots on our latest trip and I'll post a number of the more interesting ones. We also took a photo of a "little engine that could!" Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


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