
Saturday, August 28, 2010

My One Year Blogiversary

I can’t remember exactly how I started blogging or which site I first visited, but Jeanie's blog, Cowgirl’s Country Life, was a major inspiration and she taught me how to get started. I posted 5 times on August 28, 2009, as I was trying to figure out how to make it work – I’m computer challenged. At this point I can still just do the basics but can’t make arrows point at things, or add emoticons, or bring in pictures from anywhere but my files, etc. I guess if I really wanted to do it, Wende, my tech support daughter, could teach me – she does this kind of computer stuff for a living.

Thanks in large part to being willing to post about anything, including simple meals and culinary screw-ups, I’ve only missed posting a very few days and just happened to end up with 365 posts for the year. During this time, you’ve met all of our immediate family and pets and gotten to know Bev and I a little. I see a blog as somewhat of a chat place with a purpose and I believe I’ve gotten to know some of you through your writing without actually meeting you. One of the highlights of this year was a blogger get together in June and actually meeting some of you.

So far, I’m not feeling burned out on blogging and I think the big motivations are getting your comments, which I really look forward to, and learning from you by reading your blogs. The only negative is that Bev complains I spend too much time doing it – she doesn’t realize that just because my computer is on my lap, I’m not usually blogging.

I may take a couple of days off now that I'm into year two with my sincere thanks to you for taking the time to stop by and read my ramblings.

Have a great day.



  1. Happy blogiversary!!!!!!!!!

    It's hard to believe I've only been reading your blog for a year.

  2. Happy one year! I don't think I found your blog until Octoberish. I've sure enjoyed reading your daily adventures! 20 years ago did you ever think you'd host a party for a bunch of people you met on the inetrnet?

  3. Happy Blog Birthday! I have not been been blogging much longer than you, and I have found it to be a really satisfying experience.

    I have enjoyed getting to know you and your family through your blog posts. We are part of a blog family.

    I hope to enjoy your blog for many more years.

  4. You've reached an important milestone, Larry. Happy Anniversary. I love to visit here and will come as long as you post. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  5. Congrats, Larry....I've been blogging since June of 2006--almost regularly. This is the first year I decided to take weekends off JUST to catch up some. I love blogging but when you have as many followers as I do, it takes SO much time to keep up with them all.. But--no complaints. I do love it.

    Congrats again.

  6. I just passed my 1 year, too, Larry. (but I'm much less prolific with my posts) It's been fun watching your blog progress and to see your cooking get more adventurous. Congrats on the milestone. :)

  7. Well done, Larry! I've been popping in for just a few weeks, having found your blog thanks to your comments at dear Marjie from NEPAs blog. I'm really enjoying reading your postings, especially the food ones.

    Happy Bloggaversary !!!

    from Michelle/Mickle and my dear rescue cat, Zebby

    (we live "down-under" in Wellington, New Zealand)

  8. Congratulations Larry! I've thoroughly enjoyed your blog and getting to know you and Bev. You've been an inspiration and it's such a joy to read about your life, area, and of course the wonderful meals you two put out. :)

    Thank you for sharing with us! Hope you keep posting for many, many years.

  9. Happy blog birthday Larry. I don't see how you've managed to do so many posts in one year. Your clock must have more time on it than mine - or it's probably that Bev is more tolerant than my husband Meakin is.

    I know what you mean about comments keeping you going. They mean the world to me too.

    Please keep on blogging. I've really enjoyed getting to know you. Enjoy your well deserved time off and say hi to Bev.

  10. Happy Blogiversary Larry! I enjoy stopping by and visiting with you and your family. More gardening stuff for next spring please!! I apparently need your expertise on how to successfully garden in oppressive heat!! Course even the flowers didn't bloom much this year. What a summer.

  11. Happy anniversary! I've enjoyed stopping by and reading. I'm amazed at how often you post-I've never been able to blog that often, but I always enjoy what you've written. Lookin forward to more great posts-after you have some time off, that is! Have a great week end Larry.

  12. Larry, Happy anniversary! I'm so pleased to have gotten to know you over the previous months and always like to check in to see what you're cookin'. That BLT in your previous post is to die for. ;) Enjoy some time off.

  13. I passed my third blogoversary earlier this month, and I never thought I'd have this much to say! Congrats, Larry, and I am glad you're here!

  14. Happy anniversary! Thanks for your blog, I really look forward to it-even if its a busy day, yours is one of the 3 or 4 I always have to check. You make me laugh and I enjoy all the recipes you post, and hearing about your family. I hope you don't tire of blogging for a long while.

  15. Thanks for all of the nice comments

  16. Happy 1 yr.
    I also was inspired by cowgirl. I was searching one day on info to build a smoker and came across her blog. I thought this is really neat. I had never heard of one before. Now I'm hooked. I love getting comments because we do this blog thing to share with others and if no one comments then sometimes it loses it's purpose. Congrats again. I am going to link you on my blog if you don't mind?

  17. Happy Blog Birthday, Larry. It's always a treat to stop by for a visit. I'm always afraid that I will run out of things to blog about, but somehow that hasn't happened.

  18. Way to go, Larry! I always enjoy reading your posts about yourself and your fine family as well as all the delicious food! Keep up the good work and Happy Blogiversary!!! You deserve a couple of days off, have fun!

  19. Happy Blogoversary! Hard to believe it's only been a year.

  20. Happy blogiversary. Big fan of East Tennessee and glad I stopped by to visit.

  21. Happy blogiversary Larry! Glad I found your blog and I enjoy reading all of your posts.


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