
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fruit Smoothie On A Hot Day

I never think of a smoothie as something to request and only very rarely accept one when offered, but yesterday was different. Bev had some fruit that needed to be used and when she asked, all four grandkids and my daughter said they wanted one but I didn’t accept, as usual. However, when I went into the kitchen and saw how much was left after serving the others and noticed the beautiful color and considered it was already 90* outside at noon, I decided to try one.

She made them with the blueberries, blackberries, pineapple, yogurt and ice in the Vita Mixer – which did a great job dealing with the blackberry seeds. She didn't measure, but guessed about a pint of each fruit and the yogurt and finished filling with ice. I thought it was very good and I won’t be so quick to say no next time. And it was so filling, it didn't take much lunch after that.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.



  1. I don't drink a smoothie very often either Larry. But I agree, this would be too good to pass up. Bravo Bev.

  2. It does look good. It's not been too hot here - it's only 72 now at 2PM - but I'd take one of those.

  3. There are many times I have only a fruit smoothie for lunch! Very healthy, pretty darn filling and really good. We just drove down from the cool alpine temperatures only to arrive home to 96 degrees at home. You can imagine how good this looks to me!


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