
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Azaleas – The Main Event

Before I get into landscaping, do you know how to cure a stuffy nose? According to Alex, you drink Texas Pete Hot Sauce, which she did yesterday evening after being out all afternoon soliciting sponsors for a walk-a-thon. Now this is a kid who says she doesn't like spicy food yet drinks hot sauce from the bottle. I'm obviously way out of touch with modern medicine :) - maybe she's ready to be an honorary Cajun. Now for Azaleas.

When we were landscaping Almost Heaven South, Bev and I both agreed on lots of azaleas – we love the spring color and their being an evergreen. We knew going in that we planned to live here forever and were willing to wait for beautiful shrubs plus I did not want to dig big planting holes in hard red clay. So rather than buy one 3 gallon plant in prime springtime for $15.99, we waited until late spring and bought 10 one gallon plants on sale for $15.99. As a result, we have lots of them around and they put on a big show every spring – here are a few shots. Click on the photo for a better view.

This is pink snow under the bloom-dropping cherry tree.

A bush in the woods.

Every once in awhile, the red ones pop out while the white ones are still full, but not this year.

The front of the house. There are white ones in behind, but the pink ones out grew them.

I've been putting it off for a few years, but I think I must prune them all again this year.

Hope you enjoyed the show and my pics really don't do it justice.



  1. We don't have as many as you, but ours are gorgeous right now too!! I snapped pictures of them all weekend.

  2. And what a show it is. I have to admit, my favorite plant in the photos is that Japanese Maple in that last photo. Is that one or two trees? I've planted three in my yard and just love them.

  3. It's one tree that all used to be taller until damaged by freeze year before last. It's close to 40 years old and I was sure we had lost it. I will trim it up neat this year now that I can see what is still in good shape.

  4. Wow, Larry, beautiful pictures! What a beautiful show - and I, too, love the Japanese Maple. I had those in California and loved their year-round beauty. Very nice post!

  5. Just beautiful Larry.What a show place with the gorgeous blooms!
    I planted some young azaleas 2 years ago and thought I had lost them this past winter. They didn't bloom at all but are finally growing some leaves. Maybe they'llmake it.

  6. Your Azaleas are gorgeous, Larry... We have about 7 bushes in our yard and 3 colors (light pink, hot pink and lilac). We don't have white--but they surely are pretty.

    Thanks for sharing.


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