
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wings & Grits – Quick But Delicious

If you read yesterdays post you know I smoked some wings for later use. Last night’s meal was wings and grits. Let me first talk about the wings. I only smoke them to an internal temperature of 160* so they can be cooked again to crisp the skin and still be moist. For this meal, we took them out of the frig, deep fried them in 375* oil for about 4 minutes and they were perfect. I was using extra large wings so regular ones would require less time. After cooking we used Anchor Bar (inventor of Buffalo wings) wing sauce in two different ways.

Here’s a couple shots of the cooking process.

For a side, we had Asiago Cheese Grits per the recipe from Steph over at Plain Chicken and I thought they were outstanding – flavor packed. I made a double recipe so I’d have some to set up in a pan to slice and fry for breakfast, but after I had my fill there was very little left over – these are definitely not you basic cheese grits.

I tossed my wings in the sauce but Bev didn’t want that much on hers and here’s her plate – she likes to put things on top of things ala the real chefs.

I’m more basic with just two items.

What a great simple meal and thanks Steph for the grits recipe.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.



  1. Crispy chicken wings are a serious weakness on my part. I can't resist them. These look so tasty, especially with a plate of grits. I want to have dinner at your house, Big Dude.

  2. I saw those grits over at Steph's blog and want to give the recipe a try. These wings look so good Larry!

  3. That's a great sauce on wings... Hooters should take lessons

  4. Glad you liked the grits! I bet they tasted great with the wings!!

  5. I never cared much for grits, Larry, until I had some fabulous ones in Charleston.... Unbelievable!!!!!

    Your wings and grits look delicious.

  6. Wings and grits...what an unusual combination...Sounds really delicious...I must try it!


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