
Monday, March 15, 2010

Mushroom And Bacon Omelet

Before she left for the beach, Bev had bought a pound of mushrooms for a particular dish we’d planned to make. Unfortunately we didn’t get to it, and since I virtually refuse to allow food go to waste, it was mushroom time at Almost Heaven South for a few meals.

Dish number one was a mushroom omelet for breakfast. I just sautéed the shrooms in a little olive oil, removed from the pan and set aside. I then added two eggs beaten with a little cream and cooked slowly until they were almost set, lifting the edges to allow the uncooked to run underneath. While they were cooking I discovered some crispy cooked bacon, so when the eggs were ready, I added some of it along with the mushrooms and a slice of provolone cheese.

This and a slice of toast made for a delicious meal. Have I mentioned in awhile that I love breakfast food.

Next up will be mushroom pork tenderloin - can you believe it a non breakfast meal?

Have a great day.



  1. Inquiring bloggers want to know.... What time does "The Big Dude Diner" open?

    Your incredible mushroom-bacon omelet is definitely made to order. Just the way I like them...

  2. That is an omlette to be reckoned with! I was thinking a detour to your house for breakfast on my way to work woulnd't put too far out would it?

  3. Well---for some reason, I can tell that you LOVE breakfast foods!!!! ha ha .... I will say though that my hubby's omelets (which we have every Saturday) are the best I have ever eaten. .. He makes mine with all veggies --but he adds alot of meat to his... OF course, we both love lots of CHEESE too on them...

    Have a great day!

  4. I'm not a big fan of mushrooms, but my house is full of fans. My omelets never look pretty. I think I'm too impatient.

  5. omelets are my go to food... looks like you won't starve

  6. Looks delicious! I love bacon and mushroom anything.

  7. Chicken Legs would LOVE that omelet!

  8. Am I crazy or does that first picture look like a huge smiley face?


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