
Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Diner Is Good Eats

Every now and then you stumble into a neat eating experience and it happened for us on Friday. I had made some repairs to a rocking chair for the grandkids and needed to get it back to them. A pretty convenient meet up place is the restaurant at Cove Lake State park in Caryville, Tn and we agreed on it unless they knew of a little dive in the area we could try. On the way to meet us, they past a BBQ place and a little place called The Diner. We opted for the BBQ, but as we drove past the diner at almost 3pm, I noticed the many cars in the lot, but there were none when we got to the BBQ place – we went back to the diner. Their sign, which was the bottom one of four on this sign post, claimed home cooking and when we got inside, again at 3 in the afternoon, the place was more than half full.

The specials were catfish, chicken potpie, and chicken tortilla soup – I looked over the menu but had already decided on the catfish. I received two large fillets of very nicely breaded and perfectly cooked (moist and flakey) fish, onion rings, a non-sweet hush puppy with an obvious garlic flavor, and some of the best slaw I’ve eaten. The others meals were equally good, even the grand daughters peanut butter and jelly sandwich looked pretty special.

I’ve always been a fan of seeking out the places where the locals go and I’m rarely disappointed. When on vacation, we’ve found we get directed to the tourist restaurants when we ask at the hotel, but when we ask at the gas station, we usually find the place with the best food at more reasonable prices. We go to Marco Island, Fl every year and ended up trying several tourist places before we settled on a sports bar as the place to eat.

I didn’t take any photos, but I love it when a spur of the moment turns out so well – given the opportunity, I’ll go back. As it turns out, Friday is catfish day at The Diner and all-you-can-eat after 4pm – but I had all I could eat plus as it was. Sure didn’t have to worry about Friday night dinner.

I think I'll leave the blue sky picture up for a couple of days - it looks the same today.

Have a great day.



  1. I agree. We don't eat out much because I like to cook, but it's always a pleasure when a great dining experience drops in your lap.

  2. Larry, as I have traveled around this great country of ours; I have always found that the local diner in most communities is the best place to eat.

    I had a favorite diner near me when I lived in CT... it was called Bob's Diner, just over the border in Brewster, NY. I called their delicious food there "Gourmet Grease" but in the most respected way.

    Your find sounds like it follows that creed.

  3. It always so much fun to "discover" a restaurant. Diners are almost always a good bet, but you sound as though your discovery was a true find. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I wish I had a little diner in my area with that wonderful menu. I would order the catfish too.

  5. Hi Larry, I had to laugh when reading your post since I do exactly the same thing... IF there are no cars in the parking lot, I will not go to that restaurant... Cars in the parking lot will tell me just how good that restaurant is!!!! You obviously picked a great place.

    Hope you have a great weekend and week ahead. We are headed to Arkansas tomorrow.

  6. I miss catfish and hush puppies! I've only found it on the menu at one place here and it was mediocre compared to the real deal down south.

  7. The local establishments can be gems. A sure sign are the cars in the parkng lot and the restaurant half-full at 3pm. Awesome! Your meal sounded really good.


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