
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Another Stack Em UP Meal

Inspired by a dish my sister-in-law saw Rachael Ray prepare, Bev whipped up this breakfast from Thanksgiving leftovers – all I had to do was snap a few pictures and enjoy eating it. She pattied out some mashed potatoes – nothing else added - made a patty from dressing and fried them in olive oil along with a sunny side up egg.

Then she stacked them up ala Chez and it was delicious. She wanted to sprinkle some chopped parsley on top, but I’d tossed it during a kitchen clean up frenzy.

I finally got around to eating my Thanksgiving dessert last night as I had nothing but pie for dinner. I ate all of the cherry, half of the pecan and a small piece of the pumpkin – all were excellent and this is the first pumpkin pie I've eaten that rivaled my mother's.

Have a great day.


  1. Pie for dinnner, yummy. I could eat pie all day long. We had 10 bean soup for dinner last night. toot toot

  2. yo bigdude ... is there actually some pie underneath all dat whipped cream? i can't really

  3. You never had pumpkin flavored whipped cream pie :)

  4. slice of pecan, slice of cheery and 3/5ths of a punkin... dinner is served

  5. DAYUM! That's a phenomenal use of leftovers! I love the triple stack ya'll made!!!!!!!!!!!


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