
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Little Fun In The Sun

Since we did a lot of our traveling before I started this blog, I decided to go back and pick up a trip from April. Each year, me and my girls (wife, her sister and mother) make a trip to Marco Island for a week in a timeshare condo. It’s nothing fancy, but is in a great location, with a nice pool and beach. The ladies lay around the pool and go shopping, we do a little site-seeing and eat some pretty good seafood. We’ve tried BBQ from two different places with one being terrible and the second being okay - restaurant sampling helps me calibrate what I cook.

Here’s a view from our condo balcony (not bad huh). The girls are just to the top right of the hot tub – with the red bag. I think they each read about 3 books while we’re there.

A sunset pic of my girls

This is from the deck of one of the restaurants we like, located in the ten thousand islands.

The ladies like it alot and are rarely ready to come home so they bought another week so we can stay for two. Since it's a 13 hour drive, it makes sense to get all you want while there.

1 comment:

  1. Our in-laws live here in Knox but have a condo in Perdido Key, FL that they let us use a week a year. Very nice get away isn't it? But I wouldn't move back to Florida (Lived there from birth until 2000), I like East TN too much! Glad ya'll had fun!


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